Corey Couturier

Monday, September 19, 2011

"I'm so Beautiful!"

This fun piece is a part of my new "Doodle Collection".
I'm having a ton of fun with this!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Push yourself into new dimensions

This piece is my latest adventure that required much patience and perseverance to finish.  It is an attempt to fuse new and old together, folk style and fuse with architectural elements.  It's more of
a wall sculpture than a painting.  It has depth, light, reflection, and fun.  My art will be featured in a gallery in downtown Phoenix in February, and I'm hoping to give something they've never seen before.  I'm shooting for that "WOW" factor that will be both fun and crazy. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's all about the creative process

When I took an online test a few years ago to see what my profession should be, the number one recommendation was that I was suitable to be an Inventor, and the number two answer came up that I would be suitable as a graphic designer.  Both things are all about being creative, which is what I love.  Whether it be inventing a new board game, or a new painting, or even a new way to successfully trade stocks, I get my kicks creating stuff that others can enjoy or benefit from.  For instance, today I found a program online that enables a person to create their own font.  I got excited because for a long time I've wanted to create my own fonts for the greeting cards I design.  It was very easy to do and a lot of fun to see the results, and be able to type on the keyboard in my own handwriting.  Very Cool.  You should check it out.  It's called "YourFonts" and it's a great way to use those creative juices to make something really Cool.  I'm planning on using it to create a number of different fonts.
Promote YourFonts
God Bless--
Corey J. Couturier

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Project

I've recently decided to eembark on a new project.  I'm excited about it, because it's going to force me  out of my comfort zone.  I must not only decide about the design, but also the materials involved, and the proper order of putting the project together.  I'm excited!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Day the Angels Cried

                                                  The Day the Angels Cried  2011  Corey J. Couturier

3ftH by 4ftW by 1 1/2inD Mixed Media on Gallery Wrap Canvas.
I don't think scripture really gives us much insight into the emotions of angels.  We do know angels exist, that they are God's creation, and they serve a purpose in the the Kingdom.  Whole books have been written about Angels.  I imagine Angels are joyous beings who dwell in God's presence.  There was one day in history, however, that the Angels may have cried, and that day was the day Jesus died on the cross.  And although it was a part of God's plan of redemption, it was the day that Jesus not only carried the weight of all our sins on the cross, but scripture tells us that he actually became sin.  A horrible sight to behold, to the point that God the Father turned away from his own Son.  Jesus cried out at one point--"My God, why have you forsaken me?"  I get emotional just writing this.  It was a day of great sorrow, not only on earth, but in Heaven itself.

In this painting I have tried to depict the sorrow of the Angels as they contemplate the events of that day.  I use blues and grays, colors of sorrow.  I also use silver leaf in their halos to show their beauty.  This painting is definitely a stray from my normal upbeat and joyous paintings, which even surprised me.  But I just paint what God shows me, and the message belongs to Him.

Have a great day!!
Corey J. Couturier

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Great Thing About Art

The great thing about "art" is that it can be expressed in so many different ways.  In fact, in a nutshell, "art" is simply expressing ourselves using the different facilities that God has given us.  Art can be expressed visually, vocally, using the sense of smell, taste, and touch, and probably many other ways as well.  Art is used as a way of communication.  Art is language.  And, in a way, we are all artists.  Now we must learn how to develop this amazing way of communication so that others can understand us.  Have a great Day!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Wet Willy"

Original painting in acrylic on studio canvas 24" by 24"                           

I remember when I was younger, we used to give each other "wet willies", in which you put your finger in your mouth, get it good and wet with saliva, and then you put your finger in someone else's ear.  I hated to get "Wet Willies" but on the other hand I enjoyed giving them to others.  "Wet Willies" are irritating, and yet at the same time indicate a closeness in a friendship that you could even get away with something as gross as that.

I like to see the humor in things.  Last night I went to First Fridays to view the art displayed in the various downtown galleries in Phoenix, and mostly all I saw was darkness and despair, paintings of houses burning down, murderous scenes, skeletons, coffins, etc.  And while I appreciate all kinds of art, I think we must be cautious about the things we surround ourselves with.  Art is powerful stuff, able to affect our thoughts and moods, and feed our emotions, either positive or negative.  I have made it my goal to be uplifting in my artistic endeavors.  I would like to see my art make someone smile, or give someone hope, to inspire someone to do or become something greater than what they are right now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The WOW Factor

Sometimes when I'm done with a painting, I stand back and take a look, and I'm satisfied with the results, but somehow the painting lacks that Wow factor I'm looking for.  My goal is to make every painting with that Wow factor.  What is it that gives a painting a WOW factor?  I want to find out.  Every one of my paintings should have a WOW factor.

WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  When someone looks at one of my paintings, that is what they should be saying.