Corey Couturier

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's all about the creative process

When I took an online test a few years ago to see what my profession should be, the number one recommendation was that I was suitable to be an Inventor, and the number two answer came up that I would be suitable as a graphic designer.  Both things are all about being creative, which is what I love.  Whether it be inventing a new board game, or a new painting, or even a new way to successfully trade stocks, I get my kicks creating stuff that others can enjoy or benefit from.  For instance, today I found a program online that enables a person to create their own font.  I got excited because for a long time I've wanted to create my own fonts for the greeting cards I design.  It was very easy to do and a lot of fun to see the results, and be able to type on the keyboard in my own handwriting.  Very Cool.  You should check it out.  It's called "YourFonts" and it's a great way to use those creative juices to make something really Cool.  I'm planning on using it to create a number of different fonts.
Promote YourFonts
God Bless--
Corey J. Couturier